Category: Uncategorized
The Definitive Guide to Voting Correctly Every Single Time
Fact: politics is divisive—no, let me correct that—very divisive. On the outside (and to the uneducated or ignorant) it would appear that the way politics works is a fairly simple, and looks like this. There are several candidates running for any given elected position. They each hold different views on how to best handle all…
Why Shacking Up Has Always Been a Horrible Idea
It was the 1960s, and a large segment of American adults decided to do away with the status quo of centuries-old morals and values as it pertained to sexual relations. This particular faction of society supported and promoted an ideology that became known as the sexual revolution. By assimilating with this ideology, the concepts of…
Practical Solutions for a Better World
The title of this post is the perhaps the greatest need in the world today. Problems take all forms, and inevitably are experienced by everyone. The purpose of this blog is to offer solutions that can be implemented to make the world we live in a better place. Certainly, some of you may wonder what…